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WCN and its partners are working on a new CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) global hub for SMEs. It will feature CeV (a CEA version of CTMI-eVault) as well as marketplaces for CEA hardware and software inputs and a labour / CEA skill upgrade component


The WCN would like to extend Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you


WCN, via its CTMI partner, has entered a contract with an agricultural institute located at a SFU to build a modified version of CTMI-eVault for CEA AI analysis applications  of CEA sensor data. Called 'CeV', the application will allow for IP-protected sharing of SME CEA sensor data.


- Post-COVID recovery programs, including regional economic development in metro & rural areas

- Intellectual Property Protection and related safety and security tools for new businesses commercializing & sharing their ideas 

- AgriTech, including enclosed 'vertical' agriculture. 

Q2-2021 :
Covid's devastating impact on the general population and also business is leaving its mark. CTMI & WCN are preparing tools to help with supply-chain disruptions and supply-chain reorganization.

programs for Business Incubators and University R+D Commercialization expanded 

ChamberTrust Pro and GBXL updated... new affinity program options for chambers of commerce registered @ WCN...
Program options for Regional Economic Development Initiatives and clusters are being updated and expanded

More at CTMI's new hub >>here


The CTMI-eVault family - built on a hybrid blockchain and capable of complex multi-lingual support - is expanding its custom corporate and institutional options for intellectual property, file and data protection. 

Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises use-cases for CTMI-eVault include RFP / Request For Proposal IP protection, trade documentation and many additional uses...more >>
here (pdf)